Marturii de credinta

We believe that the Bible, consisting of Old and New Testaments only, is verbally inspired by the

Holy Spirit, is inerrant in the original manuscripts, and is the infallible and authoritative Word of God.

We believe that the one triune God exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe that Adam, created in the image of God, was tempted by Satan, the ruler of this world, and fell. Because of Adam's sin, all men have guilt imputed, are totally depraved, and need to be regenerated by the Holy Spirit for Salvation.

We believe that Jesus Christ is God, was born of a virgin, baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River, crucified as the Lamb of God, rose again from the dead, and ascended to heaven, where He is presently exalted at the Father's right hand.

We believe that salvation consists of the remission of sins, the imputation of Christ's righteousness, and the gift of eternal life, received by faith alone, apart from works.

We believe that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent, and that it will be visible and personal.

We believe that the saved will be raised to everlasting life, and blessedness in heaven and that the unsaved will be raised to everlasting and conscious punishment in hell.

We believe that the church, the body of Christ, consists only of those who are born again, who are baptized by the Holy Spirit into Christ at the time of regeneration, for whom He now makes intercession in heaven and for whom He will come again.

We believe that Christ commanded the church to go into all the nation and preach the gospel to every person, baptizing and teaching those who believe.

Crezul Apostolilor

1. Cred[5] intru unul Dumnezeu, Tatal Atottiitorul, Facatorul cerului si al pamantului, al tuturor celor vazute si nevazute. 
2. Si intru unul Domn Iisus Hristos, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, Unul Nascut, Care din Tatal S a nascut mai inainte de toti vecii: Lumina din Lumina, Dumnezeu adevarat din Dumnezeu adevarat, nascut, nu facut, Cel de o fiinta cu Tatal, prin Care toate s au facut;
3. Care, pentru noi oamenii si pentru a noastra mantuire, S a pogorat din ceruri si S a intrupat de la Duhul Sfant si din Maria Fecioara si S a facut om; 
4. Si S-a rastignit pentru noi in zilele lui Pontiu Pilat si a patimit si S-a ingropat; 
5. Si a inviat a treia zi, dupa Scripturi;
6. Si S-a suit[6] la ceruri si sade de a dreapta Tatalui; 
7. Si iarasi va sa vina[7], cu slava, sa judece viii si mortii, a Carui Imparatie nu va avea sfarsit.
8. Si intru Duhul Sfant, Domnul de viata Facatorul, Care din Tatal purcede, Cel ce impreuna cu Tatal si cu Fiul este inchinat si slavit, Care a grait prin proroci. 
9. Intru una[8], sfanta, soborniceasca si apostoleasca[9] Biserica; 
10. Marturisesc un botez spre iertarea pacatelor; 
11. Astept invierea mortilor; 
12. Si viata veacului ce va sa fie. Amin!